Welcome to Eric's Blog

Want to support the cause? Click here.

PPRAC XIX starts on July 28 - Pittsburgh, PA to Palmerton, PA!

I will train, and my wonderful friends and family will have donated over $5000. Please be a part of that! Then there will be nothing left to do but ride! And tweet pithy comments from the road.

Please donate, the more the better! Without the fundraising, it doesn't really help too many people with cancer or children with serious illnesses. Awareness is great, but fundraising is where the rubber meets the road.

If you are ready to donate, please do it now before you get distracted! Click here. Then feel free to come back and browse through my souvenirs of PPRACs XV, XVI, and XVII. It's okay, I'll wait.

If you need some more convincing, I have just the thing for you. My friend Ellen wrote a beautiful letter explaining how PPRAC has benefited her personally. Check it out here.

Down below, you will find the Tweets from the road. I hope you enjoy them. Now, how about a donation? support PPRAC XIX!

Twitter Feed

Below is my Twitter feed which will have my my tweets from the road (and also my old ones from PPRAC XVII and XVI). It will give you a little insight into the mind of Eric during this ride.

Don't forget to donate to PPRAC XIX!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tomorrow is the day!

Tomorrow I start the journey! I get to spend one more night with my family and actually sleep in a real bed. I am really psyched to start riding! Thanks to everyone who supported me, and please check back often to follow me and read about the trip.


  1. Be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded. Chronicles 15:7

  2. Oh where oh where has Eric gone? According to your blog, you've not moved an inch! Inquiring PPLers want to know.
